Quick ON Box Stretch – 150

Quick ON Box Stretch. Jersey fitted sheet with super Satin glide surface covering from shoulders to knees (110 cm).

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Product number: MC 002-1957
HMI number: 81110
UDI-DI number: 5744001972212

Dimensions 200 × 150 × 25 cm
Product series

Quick ON

Sliding field

110 x 130 cm

User weight Max

180 kilos

Video tutorials

User manual | Gebrauchsanleitung | Leiðbeiningar

Jersey fitted sheet with super Satin glide surface covering from shoulders to knees (110 cm). Easily mounted around corners of the mattress with an elastic band at the ends. Suitable for the more-self-reliant person. The combination of Satin and Jersey makes it easier for the person to turn around using the feet/legs.
Ideal for Box mattresses but also suitable for spring and foam mattresses.